Monday, April 19, 2010


Ever since I was young, I kept letters, postcards, diaries and everything that give me some memories which I've been through. I would often spend hours reading through the collection and realized that these collections were telling the story of my life. I kept and save all emails and reading over and over again. People reveal parts of themselves that they don't usually reveal when they're speaking. I think the written word is so precious that to have somebody write to me is far more thoughtful than an email or a text. It's something that can be held and kept for all time.

** Read and read, analyzed and treasured

love it!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Deleting strangers [sorry, i don't trust strangers]

My experience while chatting with strangers online.There are quite a few things I remember and mmg cnfirm xsuke..I used to chat on YM and there were a lot of creepy.hihi.Sorry to say..I truly dislike when people I don't know ask me to accept them on YM. I usually do that but now I found myself in a place where i have a lot of ym buddies or Fb buddies and I haven't chatted to them at all.That's awful.Okay I deleted u from my ym list, fb list. I even don't know what for I had added u there and it just my mistake.

Speaking of love online, a friend of mine met a guy at fb and they got attracted and decided to meet and now they are couple. To be honest.. I would like to have such a fairy tale story but i know one thing for sure, when i'm not with my lover, i will be wondering, what is he doing now?hmm..chatting to some sexy girl online? trust will be there and i'm sure he will think the same.So, no online love for me.Nope thanks.hehhe =)

The reason y I'm so reluctant to add strangers on Fb. First, I am active on fb meaning, I log on atleast once a day. Adding strangers usually come with the "ice-breaking" stage and it includes effort and work before a proper friendship can be formed. What this mean to me is that, if u wanna be my friend, you have got to have the ability to tune in to my radar. In the same way, I must be able to do the same too and I don't like wasting time to know someone that I don't know and cannot be trusted.That's y I delete, I block and I ignore.

Happy Ending

For me, happy ending is when the person feels as though they're able to face the day, when they feel that they can get through the moments and they're happy to be alive. It's not about find the man of your dreams, it's about finding the happiness within ourselves.Create my own future with my own way. That, for me is happy ending.How it's the most precious thing that we have, how often we take time, and whom we spend it with, for granted. Many people have said to kme, "Oh if I could just be in two places at once" or If I could just clone myself, I'd be able to get things done. I wondered if we could be in 2 places at once, where would we choose to be??? and how we learn a harsh lesson about what's important.

" Sometimes we’re so focused on finding our happy ending we don’t learn how to read the signs. How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don’t, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. and maybe a happy ending doesn’t include a guy, maybe it’s you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. maybe the happy ending is just moving on or maybe the happy ending is this: knowing after all the unreturned phone calls and broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment… you never gave up hope."

I guess this is what you call life, and I guess that this is what everybody is ultimately striving for - their own personal happy ending, despite how much we deny it. We all want to stand out and attract that one special person, and we do anything and everything we can to achieve this goal.We sacrifice so much, that even if we just felt that person slipping away, it still hurts like hell.but like the last line of the quote says, there’s something beautiful in never giving up hope. So what I wanted to say is this: we may put too much of our hearts on the line, and we may sacrifice all we have for the wrong guy at the wrong time…but ladies, DO NOT give up hope. Because once we’ve found someone who will just not quit on us for once, it will be amazing. And that will be our happy ending. <3<3 =)

** Maybe for once, it's not about the happy ending maybe it's about the story
p/s..cerita inie ade rekaan semata-mata =P

Monday, April 12, 2010

Passionate Minds

 I have trouble actually describing myself because I'm always suspicious of people who start describing themselves especially men.hahaha. Ok, why are you trying to tell me what you are? It is very difficult for me to talk about myself and where exactly I get my ideas from. The answer is life. I absorb everything around me, all the people I've met and all the places I've been, all the stories I've heard, musics, books and absolutely anything and everything inspires me. I allow my mind to wander, I ask questions and look for answers and then I try to think of more answers and I love feeling clarity.I watch people, I listen to people and I like to view things from a different angle and finally again..haha sometimes I'm emotional. I think that's just the way I am. If I write something I write for myself because I'm so passionate bout it and it gives me such joy.=). The ordinary things in my life can affect the lives of others whether it's just for a moment. All our journeys are different and we all deal with circumstances in different ways. What ties us together is our ability to feel the same emotions.

** I just like to write when I feel the moment's right, when I feel like I've something to say .xoxo

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Being Me...

 I wrote this because I was tired of all these things people want you to be, how we should be, how we should look, turning us into robots. But I won't!. Some people, some of them friends, say I am different from others and I think I like it. It proves me, that I dare to be different. The poem is about being different and others seeing you as being nothing, cause you don't look or act, or care about the same things they do.

 Nothing Girl
Maybe I wear baggies
and white socks with flip-flops,
maybe I don't like listening to rave
and I'm not on the social mountaintops,
maybe I don't care about the things
that make your world twirl,
maybe you look at me and think :
What a nothing girl.

Maybe I like giving smiles
which seems to be a sin today,
and maybe I allow my imagination
to sometimes run away,
maybe you don't understand this
and that's why you cannot see,
If this make me a nothing girl,
hey, that's ok with me!

The world makes you believe
your personality mustn't be detected,
you face must be picture perfect
and wear cloths just the best, to be accepted.

Maybe I look at you
and feel sorry that you're blind,
robots you have became,
yourself you'll never find.

God made you, as well as me,
this means I am something,
the world is a liar
and if I must be nothing
for you to see it,
then so be it!

Words of Love and Appreciation

Kisah Rumput

Pada suatu pagi di satu sekolah menengah, ada seorang pelajar bertanya pada seorang guru yang sedang mengajar. Ketika itu, guru tersebut sedang menyentuh mengenai kasih dan sayang secara am. Dialog di antara pelajar dan guru tersebut berbunyi begini :

Pelajar : Cikgu, macam mana kita nak pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang paling kita sayang?. Macam mana juga kasih sayang itu nak berkekalan?

Cikgu : Oh, awak nak tahu ke?.Emmm...baiklah, sekarang kamu buatapa yang saya suruh. Ikut je ye...mungkin kamu akan dapat apa jawapannya.

Pelajar : Baiklah...apa yang saya harus buat?

Cikgu : Kamu pergi ke padang sekolah yang berada di luar kelas sekarang juga. Kamu berjalan di atas rumput di situ dan sambil memandang rumput di depan kamu, pilih mana yang PALING cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi walaupun sekali. Dan kamu petiklah rumput yang PALING cantik yang berada di depan kamu tersebut dan selepas itu bawa balik ke kelas.

Pelajar : Ok. Saya pergi sekarang dan buat apa yang cikgu suruh.

Apabila pelajar tersebut balik semula ke kelas, tiada pun rumput yang berada di tangannya. Maka cikgu pun bertanya kepada pelajar tersebut.

Cikgu : Mana rumput yang cikgu suruh petik?

Pelajar : Oh, tadi saya berjalan di atas rumput dan sambil memandang rumput yang berada di situ, saya carilah rumput yang paling cantik. Memang ada banyak yang cantik tapi cikgu kata petik yang paling cantik maka saya pun terus berjalan ke depan sambil mencari yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. Tapi sampai di penghujung padang , saya tak jumpa pun yang paling cantik. Mungkin ada di antara yang di belakang saya sebelum itu tapi dah cikgu cakap tak boleh menoleh ke belakang semula, jadi tiadalah rumput yang saya boleh petik.

Cikgu : Ya, itulah jawapannya. Maknanya, apabila kita telah berjumpa dengan seseorang yang kita sayang, janganlah kita hendak mencari lagi yang lebih baik daripada itu. Kita patut hargai orang yang berada di depan kita sebaik-baiknya. Janganlah kita menoleh ke belakang lagi kerana yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Dan semoga yang berlalu tidak lagi berulang. Jika kita berselisih faham dengan orang yang kita sayang itu, kita boleh perbetulkan keadaan dan cuba teruskan perhubungan tersebut walaupun banyak perkara yang menggugat perhubungan tersebut. 

Dan ingatlah orang yang kita sayang itulah kita jumpa paling cantik dan paling baik pada MULAnya walaupun nak ikutkan banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik seperti rumput tadi. KECUALILAH jika perhubungan tersebut tak boleh diselamatkan lagi, maka barulah kita mulakan sekali lagi. Maka sayangilah orang yang berada di depan kita dengan tulus dan ikhlas